Other Writings
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This is a list of other writings I’ve done, beginning with articles written for a popular audience and then other, occasional academic writings (such as reviews or reports).
Popular Writings
Katherine Guinness, Grant Bollmer, and Tom Doig. 2024. “Billionaires are Building Bunkers and Buying Islands. But are they Prepping for the Apocalypse – or Pioneering a New Feudalism?” The Conversation (AU), 1 March.
Grant Bollmer. 2020. “Culture and Anarchy, from Matthew Arnold to the Internet,” In Media Res, 13 February.
Grant Bollmer. 2019. “Emotion Detection and the Mimetic Faculty,” MediaCommons Field Guide, 8 April.
Grant Bollmer. 2019. “The Automation of Empathy,” esse: Arts and Opinions 95, Winter, 30 – 34.
Grant Bollmer. 2018. “Will Silicon Valley’s New Company Towns End Up as Failed Utopias?” The Conversation (US), 31 May. (Reprinted by Salon, Fast Company, U.S. News and World Report, and CityMetric, among others.)
Grant Bollmer. 2014. “Who is to Blame When iCloud is ‘Hacked’—You or Apple?” The Conversation (AU), 3 September.
Book Reviews
Grant Bollmer. 2018. A review of Philip Mirowski and Edward Nik-Khah’s The Knowledge We Have Lost in Information: A History of Information in Modern Economics, Journal of Cultural Economy 11:2, 169-172.
Grant Bollmer. 2017. A review of Stuart Cunningham, Terry Flew, and Adam Swift’s Media Economics, Communication Research and Practice 3:4, 386 – 388.
Grant Bollmer. 2014. “Big Data, Small Media” (Review of Polity’s Digital Media and Society Series), Cultural Studies Review 20:2, 266 – 277.
Grant Bollmer. 2013. A review of McKenzie Wark’s Telesthesia: Communication, Culture & Class, Media International Australia 147, 177.
Grant Bollmer. 2010. “Review Essay: Not Understanding the Network? A Review of Four Contemporary Works” (Review of Phillip Armstrong’s Reticulations, Yochai Benkler’s The Wealth of Networks, Alexander R. Galloway and Eugene Thacker’s The Exploit, and Brian Rotman’s Becoming Beside Ourselves), The Communication Review 13:3, 243 – 260.
Research Report
Grant Bollmer. 2019. “The Hubbard Professional Mark Super VII Quantum E- Meter: Notes on the Media Archaeology of Scientology and Technological Metaphysics,” MALware Technical Report, Media Archaeology Lab, University of Colorado, Boulder.
Encyclopedia Articles
Grant Bollmer. 2014. “Avatars” and “Second Life,” Encyclopedia of Social Media and Politics, Kerric Harvey, editor. Los Angeles: SAGE, 96 – 98, 1114 – 1115.